Russell used pyramids and Leviticus 26 for his dates and "2520 years". I am not certain when Daniel 4 came into play. When Russell's dates failed, the WTS amended his dimensions for the pyramids (they stretched in the sun!) and they kept selling his books.
Russell was adamant that Jerusalem was destroyed in 606 BCE, with Babylon falling in 538 BCE. The changes to 607 and 539 coincided with the publication in 1942 of Parker and Dubberstein's study on Babylonian Chronology; it was the same year that Rutherford died.
Russell taught that 1874 marked the "parousia" which was to be followed by 40 years of the "Time of Trouble", which would end in 1914 with the outbreak of unprecedented peace under Zionism. (Hence the two-fold title of his magazine). See the above 1892 Watchtower quotation provided by ADCMS.
Russell was aware of the controversy over his 606 date for the destruction of Jerusalem but was not prepared to budge. If there was to be any change, he was prepared to consider shifting his end date to 1915.